Creating and delivering cutting edge, factual and relevant survival concepts and strategies
in an informational and interesting manner since 1965.

Survival Educators

Copyright 2004-2017. Survival Educators. All rights reserved.  2750 Artesia Blvd, Unit 351. Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Email: Phone: 1 (818) 445-4060  Fax: 1 (818) 441-5007

Survival, disaster & safety presentations, workshops & gear

Water is one of the most challenging survival environments. Yet offers viable transportation corridors, a livelihood for fishing and diving, and hours of pleasure for millions of boaters, skiers, surfers, divers, etc. Yet, when the water temperature is cold, below 70° F, it is very unforgiving. When a boat sinks or people find themeless submerged in water, why do so many die needless deaths? This presentation explores the causes of death in water and what can be done to increase life expectancy. What happens physiologically and psychologically. And what a minimal amount of preparation can do to protect you, your family and fellow boaters. Flotation devices, the surprising value of a large plastic bag, and necessary signaling devices.

Relevant & interesting survival presentations and seminars

Cold Water Mishaps

Cold (70° F and below) water is very unforgiving and can snuff the life out of a person in a few short hours. This session discusses the techniques of extending your life until rescue arrives.